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The Benefits of Printed Packaging

Written by Admin | Sep 27, 2022

In today's society, making a great first impression is absolutely essential; and it's no different with the packaging of your products. In fact, the way that you package your product will play a huge role in the customer's overall experience. After all, packaging is essentially presentation and your company's style of presentation will be essential to your branding.

When done right, bespoke printed packaging will give you the opportunity to create a positive and truly lasting impression on your customers. But what exactly are all the benefits of printed packaging? We'll identify them all and give you all the information you could possibly need to make the right decision for your business.

Custom packaging makes a superb first impression

In the majority of cases, your packaging will be your customer's first hands-on experience with your brand and the way in which you present and promote your products. It's therefore incredibly important to have custom printed packaging that really engages with your customers and catches their eye quickly. 

In fact, studies have shown that up to 61% of online shoppers say that printed packaging or stylised packaging makes a brand seem more 'upscale'. In addition, 30% of survey respondents said they were more likely to make a repeat purchase in the future because of custom packaging design. When asked if custom-designed or specially printed packaging made them feel more like the product inside was of higher quality or more valuable, more than half said 'yes'.

Stand out from the crowd

It sounds obvious but if you use unique and custom designs when customising your printed packaging, you will be differentiating yourself from your competitors and really standing out from the crowd. 

It's highly likely that your product with much more attractive and customised packaging will be purchased far more than a competitor's generic and plainly designed item. In fact, products with attractive and visually engaging packaging will create a much more positive image of the brand in the customers' minds. 

Branded packaging will encourage recommendations

Bespoke printed packaging won't just impress your current customers; it will impress their family members and friends too. In fact, in the previously mentioned study by Dotcom Distribution, around 40% of shoppers surveyed said that branded or custom packaging made them far more likely to recommend a product to friends and family. Over 50% of those who shared an image of their purchase online did so with the full intention of recommending it to others. 

Show off your brand to anyone involved in the supply chain process!

Your company brand tells people the story of not only your company and products but also the people behind them to anyone and everyone who buys from you or thinks about making a purchase. By utilising custom printed packaging, you give yourself the opportunity to promote your brand to anyone involved in the supply chain process; from package handlers at the warehouse to delivery drivers, retail staff, your customers and their friends, family and neighbours. 

Even if they don't seek you out straight away or make a purchase, if your printed packaging is done correctly, it will stick in their minds for any potential purchases in the future. 

Clearly provide your customers with all the information they need

By taking advantage of custom printed packaging, you can make sure that all the important details and information are clearly displayed on your product's packaging. For example, you can clearly inform your existing and potential customers on the ingredients used, the expiry date, nutritional information, allergy warnings and even cooking tips etc. 

Not only will this give better clarity to your customers, it will also increase transparency and help your customers to build trust in you and your products in the process. 

Printed packaging allows you to easily spread your message

In addition to your company story, there may be some other messages that you might want to communicate to your existing or potential customers. For instance, some of the more difficult to communicate messages like where your products are sourced from or what your sustainable practices are, are absolutely ideal for custom printed packaging. 

Whether you need to state that your product is made from '100% recycled materials' or you want to place a message that all your ingredients are 'locally sourced', you can very easily do that with the help of custom printed packaging.

With all this in mind, now you can see just why having custom printed packaging is just so important when trying to promote your product or marketing material.

At Delga Press, we specialise in designing and producing high-quality and truly bespoke printed packaging for commercial, private and entertainment clients across the whole of the UK. So contact us today to discuss your printed packaging requirements with one of our friendly and helpful team.