Blog | Delga

Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day 2023

Written by Admin | Aug 07, 2023

Whilst Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day started as a day to poke a bit of fun at the more ludicrous packaging that exists out there, over time it’s come to develop a more serious side. The more serious side is aimed at reducing and even eliminating some of the packaging problems that are adding to the environmental issues we have become so publicly aware of in recent years.

Unnecessary, excessive, and useless packaging doesn’t help anyone.  So, we’ve brainstormed some ideas to make your printed packaging less preposterous and more environmentally friendly.

Schedule a review of your packaging, meet up with the design team, or reach out to your agency or packaging company and see if there’s anything that can be improved from the following list:

1/ Excessive packaging

Can your layout be redesigned to use less paper or board? Minimise waste by getting as many designs on one sheet as possible. Can you replace the filling with padded areas of the box? Is the box too big for the product, can you reduce the dimensions, even slightly?

2/ Outdated Information

When was the last time you threw a batch of packaging away because its information was out of date?  Smaller batches can be run on digital presses and updated more often, meaning less waste. Nearly everyone has a smartphone these days which means you can even replace some of the information with digital connections such as QR codes which can take users to a dynamic web page that can be updated as and when needed.

3/ Design

If your product isn’t flying off the shelves, is it time to rethink the branding or the design?  Ineffective packaging that poorly conveys what the product is inside will only confuse potential buyers and confused buyers don’t buy. 

4/ User-friendliness

Is your packaging easy to open?  Have you added enough tear strips and tabs to allow easy access to the product?  Do those tear strips work properly? Tear strips and tabs are only useful if they actually work. If your packaging is designed to be closed and reused, ensure the functionality works correctly.

5/ Fit for purpose

Considering the container's size, the material's strength and the packaging's environmental impact is essential.  Our expert packaging engineers are on hand with their extensive knowledge to help you choose the right size and material for the job.

Do you think you need to review your packaging? Get in touch to speak to an expert in our team today to see how we can help you.